Website Security Test

Ask the Teacher - 28th October 2013

Question:Could you help me on more tips on visual basic 2010?
Answer:  I assume you mean Visual Studio 2010 where you are probably programming using the VB.Net language.
There are lots of very helpful tutorials online which are very easy to follow regarding how to use visual studio, one of the best I have found and used is:
In terms of tips, Visual Studio checks for compile errors instantly so keep looking at the error list (View > Error List) and you will instantly know when you have made a mistake.
Question: When learning databases, do I have to be aware of different formats for formulating queries?
Answer: No, when exam questions are set, the queries will be given in plain structured English and learners will be awarded marks for the correct use of the criteria [eg exam in Jan 2012, question 6(c)]. When learners are asked to write a criteria [eg exam in June 2011, question 2(c)(ii)], as long as these are clear, they can answer in any format they have learnt.
Website Security Test